Korakonui School - Small enough to care yet big enough to challenge and inspire

2024 Start of Year Information

Kia ora koutou,

We have now completed our planning for classes, stationery and finances for the 2025 school year. Below is the important information families need to know for next year. If you have any queries, please feel free to contact us. Alternatively more information will be available on our school website https://www.korakonui.school.nz/ which is updated throughout the summer. 

We are pleased to announce that all of our teaching and support staff are returning for the 2025 school year. A reminder of our 2025 start of year term dates;

Wednesday 29th & Thursday 30th January - Open for enrolments

Friday 31st January - Year 7 & 8 students only (senior leadership day - buses run as normal)

Monday 3rd February - All students start

Our classes for the 2025 school year are;

Bayley Class (Year 7 & 8) Matua Fraser

Wharepūhunga Class (Year 5 & 6) Mrs Gera

Mangawhio Class (Year 5 & 6) Miss Powell

Lethbridge Class (Year 3 & 4) Mr Morgan & Miss Knight

Ngahape Class (Year 2 & 3) Ms Leather

Mangatutu Class (Year 1 & 2) Mrs Cork

Te Kawa Class (Year 1) Mrs Graham

We will also continue to have Mrs Phillips and Miss Knight working across our school providing classroom release time for our teachers.

The stationery requirements for all students can be found online at https://www.myschool.co.nz/Korakonui, then choose the class for each child to place your order. OfficeMax offers extremely good pricing for back to school orders and provides a delivery service, where your child’s stationery will be delivered directly to your home, at a date of your choosing. 

If you prefer to purchase your stationery elsewhere, please ensure the items are exactly the same as those listed on the OfficeMax Back to School Site. Paperplus Te Awamutu also has stationery lists for all classes in store, should you wish to purchase your children’s stationery there.

For the 2025 school year, the Kōrakonui School Board has opted into the Ministry of Education’s donation scheme. Our eligibility for this scheme is assessed annually. Each year we will inform the community of whether we are enrolled or not.

Being enrolled in the donations scheme means that the Ministry of Education provides additional funding to the school, and in return the school does not request donations from parents for school and activity fees (saving families $100 per child). Please note this does not prevent people making donations to the school, it just prevents us from asking.

Being enrolled in the donations scheme does not replace the need for the school to charge parents for the parent contribution towards other programmes and costs, such as uniforms, stationery, camps, technology fees, online learning fees and bus tags for out of zone students. 

For the 2025 school year, the following parent contributions are required;


Bucket, or wide brim hats are compulsory for all students to wear when outside during Term 1 and Term 4. School bucket hats are available to purchase from the school office for $10. These hats are subsidised by the school and come in adjustable sizes and with the school logo. School Beanies for the colder months are also available from the school office for $15.

School Dress Polo Shirts are available to purchase from the school office for $42. In the past the school has been able to supply students with a second hand shirt if required. Sadly the demand for these has become more than we can cater for. We now ask that families purchase these polo shirts for their children, particularly Year 3-8 students, who will represent the school at a wider variety of events. We will continue to have a small supply of shirts for families who are unable to purchase a polo shirt.

Technicraft Fees (Year 7&8 students only) 

The cost for this programme is set by Otorohanga South School at $90 per student. The Korakonui School Board provides a $30 subsidy for each student, leaving parents with a fee of $60 for materials.


There continues to be a parent contribution required for all camps, even when enrolled in the donations scheme. Lethbridge, Mangawhio, Wharepūhunga and Bayley Classes all have camps planned for 2025. The cost of each camp will be announced as each camp is finalised. Senior students are also able to opt into Sports Camp, which takes place in Term 3. This is an additional opportunity for our senior students. The cost for this camp is covered by parents.

Bus Tags

Bus Tags are required for students using the school buses, who are not within our transport entitlement zone. The fee for 2025 Bus Tags is $100 per term, per student.

Online Learning

All students use online learning programmes such as Education Perfect, Mathletics, Nessy, Word Chain, Steps Web and PM Online. We charge a $35 per student parent contribution for online learning. The remainder of this cost is covered by the school. 

We request that payments for parent contributions be made by the end of Term 1, 2025. We do appreciate that the beginning of the year can be a challenging time for families financially. Therefore families are welcome to make regular weekly, fortnightly, monthly payments rather than paying a lump sum. Our preference is for payments to be made online, but they can also be paid in cash at the school office (sorry eftpos is not available). 

Online banking details

Korakonui School Board of Trustees
ASB Account: 12-3134-0048900-00 

Ngā mihi nui,

Tom Cochrane


Kōrakonui School