Maths activities
- Mathletics
Please help your child to log on to mathletics as often as possible. Their user name and password can be found in the front of their home learning book. - Smartkiddies
- Count Us In
Count the objects and record the answer. - Round Up The Sheep
Move the sheep into a new paddock - Peacock Feathers
A fun matching game. - People On The bus
Put the correct number of people on the bus to make it go. - Snakes and Ladders
Move up the ladders but stay away from the snakes! - Counting fun
Can you answer the counting questions? - Archery Doubles
Do you know your doubles? The pipers will play if you do! - Doubles for Experts
Can you still make the pipers play? - Bridge Doubles
Get the correct answer to the doubles questions and drive the car across the bridge. - Fairy Fog
Can you find the missing number by counting in 5's? - Free The Whale
Fix the water pipe to help the whale swim to freedom. - Counting Song
Sing along up to 20. - Counting up to 10
Have fun singing along. - count to 20
Funny! - More Maths Activities
Another cool site with great activities